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Add:No 18, Yanchang Road , Yanqiao Industrial Park , Huishan District, Wuxi
Contact:Mr Hang

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Designed by EMS of Canada, manufactured and installed by songda, the grain self–unloading was successfully loaded and shipped to zhenhua shipyard for final assembly
Publisher:admin  Time:2019-7-30 16:16:02  Click:1318
Prev:The Panama Cobre Project, which was overall contracted by China National Chemical Engineering Third Construction Company CO., Ltd and produced by Wuxi Songda Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd
Next:Warm congratulations to ShangRao Golden Power Plant on the successful delivery of 800 tons/h mobile stacker
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Add:No 18, Yanchang Road , Yanqiao Industrial Park , Huishan District, Wuxi
Contact:Mr Hang
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